Go isozyme displayed high specific activity varied from 90 to 197u / mg 证实该go同工酶具高活性( 90 197
Overexpression of selenomonas ruminantium phytase with high specific activity in pichia pastoris 的高比活植酸酶基因在毕赤酵母中的高效表达
The presence of calcium is beneficial to obtain higher tryptophanase activity . the activity of tryptophanse expressed by addition of appropriate concerntration of iptg is 91 - fold higher than that of no induction . the highest specific activity was 0 . 2mmiptg对菌体的生长有抑制作用,在细胞对数生长期前期诱导抑制最强烈, 0 . 1mmiptg基本不抑制生长;临界浓度0 . 15mm的iptg和37ac是比较好的组合。